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rprise And you promised me a surprise. 而且你答应给我一个惊喜。 azement Nim found to his amazement he was receiving an enthusiastic standing ovation. 尼姆惊喜地发现自己受到了一阵热烈的,长时间的喝彩。 easantlysurprised Some of them study his works by studying hiswriting background and Czech society and history, some people look for various imagesrelated in his works, any way, his appearance make reader in china pleasantly surprised andtake also more topics. 无论是从作家写作背景、捷克社会历史研究入手,还是寻找作品中各种意象的关联,总而言之,克里玛的出现给中国的读者、学人带来了惊喜也带来了更多的话题,尽管这种研究尚显单薄。


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