

2024-08-01 11:13:10 编辑:join 浏览量:561



The average life expectancy of Chinese people rose 42 years, from 35 years in 1949 to 77 years in 2018, according to a statistics communique recently released by the National Health Commission. 国家卫健委发布的统计公报显示,我国居民人均预期寿命由1949年的35岁增长到2018年的77岁,增加了42岁。


人均预期寿命(average life expectancy)是指在一定死亡水平下,预期每个人出生时平均可存活的年数(the average time a person is expected to live based on the year of his/her birth)。人均预期寿命是度量人口健康状况最重要的指标(an important marker of the overall health of a society),也是衡量一个国家或地区经济社会发展水平及医疗卫生服务水平的综合指标(a composite indicator of national or regional social economic development and health care service quality)。

国际上衡量一个国家居民健康水平的指标主要是人均预期寿命(average life expectancy)、婴儿死亡率(infant mortality rate)和孕产妇死亡率(maternal mortality rate)。

A nurse takes care of new-born infants at a hospital in Huai'an, East China's Jiangsu province, on March 3, 2008. [Photo/Agencies]

From 2017 to 2018, the infant mortality rate has dropped from 6.8 to 6.1 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the maternal mortality rate decreased from 19.6 to 18.3 per 100,000 births, said the government statistics. 统计显示,2017年至2018年,婴儿死亡率从6.8‰下降到6.1‰,孕产妇死亡率从19.6/10万下降到18.3/10万。

统计还显示,2018年乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心(站)门诊量(outpatient treatments at primary-level clinics)达19.2亿人次,比上年增加0.4亿人次。基本医疗保险覆盖范围进一步扩大,城乡居民基本医保补贴(per capita basic medical insurance subsidy for urban and rural residents)有所增加。


预期寿命 life expectancy

死亡率 mortality/death rate

出生率 birth rate

孕产妇死亡率 maternal mortality rate

早逝(夭折) early death

基本医保 basic medical insurance

大病医保 critical illness insurance program

远程医疗 telemedicine


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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