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Market deposit rates plays very important roles and it is significant to the reform of interest rate marketization in China, which is the topmost key part of the interest rate marketization. In nearly 14 years from 1999 when the negotiation pricing mechanism of the interest rate was proposed for China's commercial banks to 2012 when the deposit interest rate was alowed to float in a range specified by the central bank, the deposit interest rate marketization of in China has made outstanding achievements, while there are also many problems. Based on sorting out and summing up of the related data, this paper believes that marketizatikn of deposit rates is both benefitial and unfavourable to the development of commercial banks and other related industries, and there is no consensus reached so far. Therefore, further study into the marketization of deposit rates is very meaningful. Therefore, this thesis takes this topic to make a research on the marketization of deposit interest rates for China's commercial banks, which mainly explores the problems faced and possiblities in the course of marketization of deposit interest rates, according to the actual situation of China's commercial banks. And then corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forwarded, in order to provide valuable references for the market-oriented reform of interest rates in China and for the marketization reform of deposit interest rate for commercial banks.

Interest rate market is essential for our nation to have such market oriented interest rate reform, it is the key factor indeed. Even since from 1999, our commercial banks launched the first fixed deposit and proposed to the central bank that by year 2012, the central bank could allow the fixed deposit interest rate to fluctuate within certain time frame. And in the past 14 years, the interest rate market has achieved excellent results but with some issues.

This article compiles and summaries on the relevant information gathered for the said deposit interest rate market in relation to the commercial banks and its fringe property developments' with pros and cons, and hence as of now, there isn't any concrete solution for it, as such, to further analyze and research of the interest rate market is significant. This article focuses on this topic of our commercial banks' interest rate market with further analysis based on the current commercial banks situation and to propose the feasible solution and related suggestions. From this article, the works show the comparison between the interest rate market in our nation reform and the commercial bank's interest rate market and it is good for reference and reliance.

Market deposit rates has very important function and significance to the reform of interest rate marketization in China, is the interest rate market in the most key parts. Since 1999, China's commercial banks to the central bank in 2012 first proposed negotiation pricing provisions deposit interest rate floating at the specified interval in the deposit interest rates, in the nearly 14 years, the deposit interest rate marketization of our country has made outstanding achievements, there are also many questions. Based on the related data and concluded that market deposit rates on the development of commercial banks and other peripheral industries there are both advantages and disadvantages. So far, also did not reach a consensus, so the market deposit rates to conduct in-depth research and demonstration is very meaningful. Therefore, this thesis chooses this topic, on China's commercial banks to carry out in-depth research on deposit interest rate marketization, mainly according to the actual situation of China's commercial banks, to its existence in the deposit interest rate marketization process problems and possible problems in mining, then put forward the the related countermeasures and suggestions, and hopes that this study can provide valuable references for our country in the market-oriented reform of interest rates and commercial bank deposit interest rate marketization reform process


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