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主题为peace的English poem

2024-07-23 02:07:27 编辑:join 浏览量:522

主题为peace的English poem

We gather here 我们相聚在此,

to find,to witness 我们寻找,我们见证,

that peace is OUR desire. 和平是我们共同的心愿.

No war any longer, 战争消弭,

and no fight anywhere. 争斗停止.

What we find is happy smile 我们看见了彼此的笑颜.

from each other.

No homelessness, 不再有人无家可归,

and no cry. 也不再听见有人哭泣.

We can see no blood, 我们不再看见有人流血,

no massacre,even no disaster. 不再看见屠戮,甚至不再有灾难.

Please hold tonight 今夜,

with each hand together, 你我手拉手,

to keep our 彼此相拥,

only hope and eager. 守护我们唯一的渴望,唯一的心愿

When the dawn break a few hours later, 当破晓来临,

when the lights come to us nearby, 当光明来到我们身边,

and after 紧接着,

comes the peace forever. 便是永远的和平.



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